Article 3 of the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany, issued and promulgated on May 23, 1949, demands: “No one shall be discriminated against or given preferential treatment on account of sex, descent, race, language, native country and origin, creed, religious or political views.” How far our social reality is today, more than 70 years later, from this claim, or better: this commandment, is proven by the current education statistics of the Federal Republic: in the school year 2019/2020, the proportion of students with a migration background at German high schools is only five percent, although in the meantime as good as a quarter – 25 percent! – of the German population has an immigrant background. Clearly, one group is being disadvantaged because of its origin, while another is being favored. This is just one of many examples of the fact that educational opportunities for young people are very unequally distributed, and with them their chances of participating in society in the future.
With our projects in the field of extracurricular arts education, we would like to make a contribution to redressing this imbalance. Our aim is to create long-term project offerings that go beyond regular school and daycare activities and enable children to discover their interests, abilities and talents, to try them out individually and collectively, and to develop them further. Our initiative LUNA PARK has been committed to the realization of such offers for many years, since March 2019 also as an independent non-profit association based at the Weddinger Gesundbrunnen elementary school, one of our most important local cooperation partners, with whom we have now been working increasingly closely for more than ten years. The target group of our project work is primarily children with a migration and refugee background, whose families make up the vast majority of the residents of the catchment area of Gesundbrunnen Elementary School and who make up almost 100 percent of its student body. The surrounding neighborhood is colorful, lively and exciting. But it is also characterized to an above-average extent by precarious social conditions, unemployment and poverty. Better access to education can help ensure that it doesn’t stay that way.
Teaching Performance 2018-2024
Annual professional meetings for dance educators from Greece and Germany
The very special reading event for young and old bookworms from the neighborhood!
More cultural participation in the neighborhood: children and artists in joint projects
Students of the Gesundbrunnen Elementary School bring their versions of German folk tales to the stage.
Daycare children and first graders play and dance with and for each other.
TANZ MIT MIR! 2013-2024
Dance and movement training for elementary school students with public performances at many events.
Learning, playing, dancing, theater, cooking and more - it's all possible online!